
Please click here to Download the detailed technical agenda of the conference:

( )*.

*If you are an author verify the time slot allocated to present your paper. Do not forget to bring the Power Point presentation on a memory stick and have it ready in the break before the begining of your panel.

This is the timeline of the conference agenda.

*All the bold locations in the agenda have hyperlinks with the google maps directions.

8th Oct09:00RegistrationCentral Library UPT*
09:30OpeningAuditorium Amphitheater
10:30Coffee breakExhibition hall
11:00Tutorial 1Auditorium
11:451st Panel scientific papersAuditorium
13:10Lunch breakExhibition hall
14:10Tutorial 2Auditorium
14:552nd Panel scientific papersAuditorium
16:25Coffee breakExhibition hall
16:553rd Panel scientific papersAuditorium
18:10Welcome CocktailExhibition hall
9th Oct09:304th Panel scientific papersCentral Library UPT*
10:30Coffee breakExhibition hall
11:00Tutorial 3Auditorium
11:455th Panel scientific papersAuditorium
12:45Lunch breakExhibition hall
13:45Tutorial 4Auditorium
14:305th Panel NGN ContestAuditorium
16:15Coffee breakExhibition hall
16:30NGN Career TalksAuditorium
17:00Contest results – awardsAuditorium
17:30Closing the eventAuditorium
19:00Festive DinnerBerăria 700 (Str. Coriolan Brediceanu 4)*
10th Oct10:00Technical visitMusicescu substation (Str. Ioachim Miloia 31)*
11:30Demo SkyLine Drones:LiDAR Scanning Demonstration with Drones